Conscious Grief Series 3

Day 10 with Rachel Gwilym

Rachel Gwilym

Rachel Gwilym is a storyteller, funeral celebrant, end of life planning coach, grief recovery specialist, founder of Bean Nigh and owner of the tiny boutique – Buttercups and Clover.

Rachel began her career at Great Ormond Street Hospital as a nurse working with children dying of cancer and HIV. She studied anthropology and theology, and travelled extensively in Ethiopia researching healing traditions. She currently lives on the Isle of Tiree where she supports grievers and teaches them the Grief Recovery Method, challenges funeral poverty, weaves traditional stories to entertain and heal, hosts death cafes and encourages people to contemplate mortality. Her passion is teaching clients around the world how to transform loss into joy and fear into courage.

Rachel’s inspiration is the fairy Bean Nigh found in remote corners of Scotland. If she sees you, your death is certain, but if you grab her first, she will grant you three boons. Rachel, teaches you how to take hold of the fairy of death and discover the gifts she brings you.

E-book Grief Recovery Guide to Loss

The Grief Recovery Institute’s Guide to Loss e-book download, and the first session of the 1-1, 7 week Grief Recovery Programme, free.