Conscious Grief Series 3

Day 9 with Kat Baillie

Kat Baillie

Kat B is a UK International Spirit Medium, Reiki Healer, Clinical Hypnotherapist, CBT Psychotherapist and connection coach. She is a former Head of Buying and leader in the executive leader in the UK fashion industry, leaving that career at teh request of spirit. A certified and accredited spirit medium and resource provider to the Helping Parents Heal charity, where she was a volunteer UK affiliate leader for four year, she continues to support various charitable organisations across the globe. She is teaching connection via one to one bespoke sessions and in weekly group development meetings on a Monday. Dynamic, fun loving, she loves to share the magic of the spiritual world with clients and friends.

10% off bookings made in June 2022

Kat B is offering 10% off all bookings made in June 2022 on all bookings. Please quote conscious grief 10% on your booking form which can be found at Please note that discounts cannot be back dated or added once a booking is raised, so please notify on booking form, at point of booking.

Looking forward to meeting you. Love Kat B xx