Conscious Grief Series 3

Day 20 with Jane Duncan Rogers

Jane Duncan Rogers

Jane was devastated when her husband died – this was not in their plans! Her greatest fear had come true, she was on her own again at age 54. However, little did she know that 3 years on she would have published a book called Gifted By Grief. How could she be gifted by this terrible loss? And yet she was – and that has led her directly to what she does now.

Her background of 25 years in the coaching & training field has been perfect for the not-for-profit she founded in 2016, Before I Go Solutions®. Together with her accredited team of internationally-based End of Life Planning Facilitators, she offers products and programmes to help people complete their end of life plans, which 90% of people say is essential, but only 14% actually get round to doing it.

How Prepared Are You?

A 60-second Yes/No quiz to help you discover what you already have in place but hadn’t realised; what you still need to do something about; and how to get started easily and with grace.