day 8 with colin campbell
& angie monko

 day 8 with colin campbell
& angie monko

About Colin

Colin Campbell is a writer and director for theater and film. The short film he wrote and directed with his beautiful and talented wife, Seraglio, was nominated for an Academy Award. Campbell teaches screenwriting at Chapman University and theater at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona. He has a BA from the University of Pennsylvania and an MFA from Columbia University. He is currently developing a solo performance piece titled Grief: A One Man Shit-Show. Finding the Words: Working Through Profound Loss with Hope and Purpose is his first book.

Angie Monko

Angie’s Free Gift For You

Heal Your Heart Healing Circle
If you’re hurting & grieving, join this free, online, healing community cirlce where you have a safe place to connect and holistically heal. Angie delivers powerful, transformative-at-the-energetic-cellular-level, healing codes on the first Tuesday of every month from 6pm-7pm Central Time.

Over the course of 12 months, Angie will gift customized healing codes (as created by Alex Loyd) for the 12 areas that cover the gamut of any problem a human can have. From Unforgiveness, Harmful Actions, and Wrong Beliefs all the way to Self-Control versus Loss of Control, Angie has got your back.

About Angie

Angie Monko is the owner of Harmony Harbor Coaching since 2008 and a Life Coach for Intuitive Women Leaders. She provides a space for intuitive women leaders to feel held, safe and supported to overcome overwhelm and heal from hidden grief so they can feel relaxed, supported, and free to create a life they love.

Angie is able to help them because she’s been through the fire of healing her own grief. She had a traumatic childhood, went through a bitter divorce, gave up custody of her daughter, Maddie, and then lost her to death when she was only 22 years old.

She’s not let these events chain her to her past. She still misses Maddie every single day, but she will NEVER forget her. She has moved forward with Maddie as her inspiration to be the best Loving Self-Advocate she can be.

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