day 4 with Angela Clement
& Rachel Kelly
day 4 with Angela Clement
& Rachel Kelly
Angela Clement
Angela’s Free Gift For You
Grief Group Get Togethers
A comforting space where healing can occur on whatever level you are needing at this time. A space where we all can be supported, heard and acknowledged. Get togethers are held about 3 times/month.
About Angela
WFormer school principal, Angela Clement has had profound experiences with the spiritual world all her life. After an energy healer helped heal her young son of a rare disease, Angela became fascinated with the healing arts. When her husband Blaine was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer, Angela began to use healing as a way to help her through the intense emotion. After he passed she used her own coaches and healers to move through the grief rapidly, while expanding her new journey almost instantly. Thinking her life was over she now understands her soul purpose is to help others learn how to heal from grief. After taking a grief certification course, many energy healing programs and working with renowned celebrity healers she herself has established her gifts of helping others, relieving emotional and physical pain and helping people move beyond grief into an incredible new life, filled with new purpose.
She shares her story on her Facebook Page “Widowhood and Woo woo” and hosts online summits on grief for her own healing and also with the intention to build a supportive community for others who find themselves in grief and share ways to live their life to the fullest after the loss.
Rachel Kelly
Rachel’s Free Gift For You
You’ll Never Walk Alone: Poems for Life’s Ups and Downs
Have you ever struggled to make sense of your feelings? This is a book of poems with explanations about each of them to keep you company, whatever your mood from sorry to joy.
About Rachel
Rachel Kelly is a bestselling writer of the Sunday Times memoir Black Rainbow about her experience of severe depression and recovery and is an ambassador for SANE and Rethink Mental Illness.
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