Welcome to the Conscious Grief Series 3!
Hi, my name is Tara Nash. As a Spiritual Psychologist & Compassionate Coach I have found that there is a well of opportunity in consciously processing grief.
That well is so often bypassed by busyness, being strong and simply avoiding pain & sadness because it feels so HARD.
But what I have found through my own grieving and the grieving of those that I coach is that there are gems in the sadness. Grief can be our greatest teacher, pointing you towards your own growth and the limitless amount of love that resides inside of you.
I have been an orphan for half of my life. My father died suddenly of a heart attack when I was 9 and years later my mother got breast cancer and died when I was 21. And trust me, I did NOT want to grieve. For years, I was unconsciously grieving and running from grief, from the depths of my co-dependence to alcohol and food dependency and workaholism.
When I was finally ready to open and heal, I did not feel so alone and crazy anymore.
This series explores ALL kinds of grief because loss comes in many different forms – from death to relationships to dementia, to aging, getting sober, losing jobs and so on.
This is why I have organised this free event, so that YOU can have a guide on how to navigate grief consciously. We have all experienced some form of loss and I believe that if we grieve consciously, we will be healthier, happier, and more connected human beings.
I am so excited to share these interviews with you! In this series you will hear personal stories from 21 experts ranging from coaches, therapists, authors, mediums and many more. They will share their experience of how they navigated this hard process we call GRIEF.
There will also be free gifts from many of the speakers, so do not miss out on tools to help you while you grieve.
Are you ready to join the conscious grief movement?
To get access to this free event, just enter your name and email to the right or below and I will send you an email with all the details.
I will see you on June 11th!
xo Tara Nash